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Closing out old energetic loops and releasing "stuckness"


Hey beautiful soul!  I'm Danielle Lagrange -- Soul Embodiment + Business Energetics Coach and Founder of the Radiant Soul brand.

I guide healers, coaches and lightworkers back to their infinite, divine selves so they not only embody but RADIATE their authentic, potent magic.  I believe that you incarnated here for a reason, and it's my soul's mission to activate and expand your natural gifts and help you cultivate an internal belief system and energetic capacity that allows you to show up unapologetically, take up space and create abundance in all areas of your life.

It's my purpose and vision to link arms with women who are remembering their inner wisdom, creating impact in the world in a way that only they can, returning to the truth of who they are and why they're here, and reclaiming their power.  In my world, there is no competition and no hierarchy.  We are all here to return to our naturally abundant state and thrive doing our soul's work.

When I rise, you rise, we rise.

You're here for a reason.

Here, on this planet, and here on this page.

You took an action from a spark of inspiration that lives within you.
That is your soul.  Your ancient, divine self.

The Radiant Soul brand was created to help women remember the sacredness of who they are, who they've been, and who they are becoming when they honor their authentic truth and self expression.  

You incarnated here to thrive -- in your personal life and mission, but also in a collective mission.  You may feel pulled between your own "selfish" needs and desires, and the pain and heaviness of the world.  I am here to remind you that you get to make massive leaps towards both through the power of vision and unwavering self trust.

You are a revolutionary.  A visionary.  A sacred rebel who feels passionately about making this world a better place, a place with more love and less suffering.  But that doesn't mean you need to play the martyr who sacrifices herself for the world around her - no.  In fact, your energetic potency is MORE radiant, MORE impactful, when you are fully supported - mind, body, spirit.

I'm here to help you create an inner world that mirrors the world you want to see in 3D.  To cultivate an inner sanctuary that radiates your vision for the world.  This is being embodied.  This is your personal power.  From that place, your ability to manifest your outer world becomes simplified and amplified.  No more trying, seeking, striving.  Just being, co-creating and receiving.

Find me on Instagram

Get social with me on social media!  I love connecting in stories and in the DMs and seeing what you, my community, are up to!  This is where you'll find my most consistent content.  Make sure to tag me @radiantsoulcoach when you share!

Join the Tribe

Awaken the Priestess is a free virtual sisterhood for spiritual women.  Its goal is to help you reconnect with the sacredness of life, get into your body and share your unique, potent magic with the world. This group also gets VIP perks.  Join us!

Listen to the Podcast

The Return to Radiance podcast is your place to feel inspired, expansive and nourished.  From soul-fueling conversations to raw solo episodes, my goal is to empower you to connect with your truth in a world trying to tell you who to be.

Keep in touch!  Join my email list.

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