The rebirth on the other side was cloudy and uncomfortable.
I didn’t really know what was coming, only that I wasn’t the same person I was a month prior.
The only thing I knew for certain was that in the darkness, I had connected to my soul and it was magnificent - radiant is the word that came through in my journal.
I began to slowly rebuild my business from the rubble it had been reduced to, selectively cultivating what I wanted to bring with me and what was meant to stay in the ashes.
My ego wanted me to take action, do more, launch more, but my soul knew that this was a time of surrender, not force. I went on to fight a long battle between my wounded masculine, high achieving mind-self, and my divine feminine, intuitive soul-self. My mind was desperate for clarity, while my soul went quiet, waiting for me to slow down (which I later learned was a requirement to clear an old soul contract.)
Sometimes the fog would lift and I would get glimpses of next steps and what the future held, but as quickly as it appeared, it was gone again. I nicknamed this phenomenon my “clarity complex” and accepted that it would be a passenger on this ride for a while.